Real Estate Investing: Basics for Beginners

Real Estate Investing: Basics for Beginners

Real Estate Investing: Basics for Beginners

Real Estate Investing: Basics for Beginners

minature drawing of a home on a green block
minature drawing of a home on a green block
minature drawing of a home on a green block
minature drawing of a home on a green block

Arsh Singh

Arsh Singh

Arsh Singh

12 min read

Aug 27, 2024

Real estate investing is the process of buying and managing properties to make money. This article covers REITs, rental properties, house flipping, and other strategies to help you get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Online real estate platforms enable broader access to investment opportunities and lower minimum investments, appealing to both accredited and non-accredited investors.

  • Investing in real estate offers long-term benefits such as consistent cash flow, potential for property appreciation, and acts as a hedge against inflation.

Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

blue cubes representing fractional reits

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a popular choice for those looking to invest in real estate without the need to directly purchase property. Established in 1960, a real estate investment trust was designed to make real estate investments accessible to smaller investors by allowing them to buy shares in a portfolio of real estate assets. These public and private companies raise funds by selling shares and bonds, which are then used to invest in income-generating properties such as shopping malls, office buildings, and apartments.

REITs come in three main categories: equity REITs, which own and operate income-producing properties; mortgage REITs, which provide financing for income-producing real estate by purchasing or originating mortgages; and hybrid REITs, which combine both equity and mortgage strategies.

Like all investments, REITs carry risks, including potential losses from declining property values or rising interest rates. Despite these risks, REITs remain a compelling option for many investors seeking to diversify their portfolios with real estate assets.

Exploring Online Real Estate Platforms

In recent years, online real estate platforms have revolutionized the way people invest in real estate. These platforms connect developers with investors, offering opportunities to invest in various real estate projects with relatively low minimum investments. Popular platforms like Fundrise and Crowdstreet in the US require minimum investments ranging from $500 to $25,000 or more, making real estate investment more accessible to a broader audience.

Online real estate platforms often cater to both accredited and non-accredited investors. For instance, while some platforms require investors to qualify as accredited investors, others like Fundrise and RealtyMogul offer options for those who do not meet this requirement. This inclusivity allows a wider range of investors to participate in real estate investing, regardless of their financial background or investment experience.

Investing through online platforms typically involves a commitment period, often at least five years, during which investors’ funds are tied up in the projects. Despite this, the convenience and potential returns make these platforms an appealing option for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio without the hassle of directly managing properties. In Canada, Midasboard offers a variety of real estate investment opportunities for accredited and eligible investors.

Investing in Rental Properties

Owning a rental property can be a lucrative way to generate steady income and build long-term wealth. Effective management of rental properties helps investors maintain stable cash flow and maximize returns. This often involves setting and increasing rents assertively, maintaining the property, and dealing with tenants’ issues, which can be challenging but rewarding.

One of the primary benefits of investing in rental properties is the potential for regular rental income, whether through long-term leases or short-term rentals. Additionally, property values tend to appreciate over time, contributing to the overall financial gain from real estate investments. Considering neighborhood stability is crucial, as it significantly impacts property values and rental income stability.

Managing rental property also involves regular maintenance and dealing with repairs, which many property owners outsource to contractors. While this adds to the operating expenses, it ensures the property remains in good condition, attracting and retaining tenants. With effort or the help of a property manager, rental properties can become a valuable portfolio addition.

House Flipping: Buying, Renovating, and Selling for Profit

House flipping is a popular investment strategy that involves buying undervalued properties, renovating them, and selling them for a profit. This approach typically targets distressed homes, foreclosed properties, or auctioned homes that can be purchased at a lower price. The key to successful house flipping lies in accurately estimating renovation costs, obtaining necessary permits, and identifying neighborhoods with growth potential.

The profitability of house flipping depends heavily on keeping renovation costs low and completing the work quickly, as ongoing costs accumulate monthly. Building good relationships with contractors and assembling a reliable team can streamline the renovation process and help manage costs effectively.

Staging the home for sale is another crucial step, as it can significantly enhance the property’s appeal and lead to a higher selling price. However, house flipping carries inherent risks, such as the potential inability to sell the property at a profit. Partnering with an experienced investor can help mitigate these risks and increase the chances of a successful flip.

Diversifying with Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate offers a way to diversify an investment portfolio and reduce overall volatility. This category includes properties zoned for business use, such as:

  • shopping malls

  • office buildings

  • warehouses

  • manufacturing sites

Investing in commercial real estate typically requires substantial upfront capital, often amounting to millions or even billions of dollars.

One of the primary benefits of commercial real estate is its potential to lower portfolio volatility. Investments in commercial properties are generally characterized by a low or negative correlation with stocks1, meaning they can perform well even when the stock market is down. This makes commercial real estate an attractive option for investors looking to stabilize their investment portfolio and hedge against market fluctuations.

Additionally, commercial real estate can provide a steady income stream through long-term leases with businesses and corporations. The diverse tenant base, ranging from national chains to local businesses, can also reduce risk, as the financial stability of tenants can vary. For those with the necessary capital and risk tolerance, commercial real estate represents a solid long-term investment opportunity.

The Benefits of Owning Vacation Property

Drawing of a vacation property on a beach

Owning a vacation property offers both personal enjoyment and financial benefits. While the returns can be seasonal, a well-managed vacation rental can provide a significant source of income and serve as a tax shelter through deductions for depreciation and mortgage interest. Additionally, having a personal vacation spot allows for creating lasting memories with family and friends, and it can also serve as a potential retirement home in the future.

However, owning a vacation property comes with responsibilities, including maintenance, upkeep, and marketing to attract guests. Effective marketing strategies, such as using professional photos and compelling descriptions, are crucial for maximizing rental income.

Balancing these responsibilities with the potential financial rewards makes vacation properties an appealing option for those looking to combine personal use with investment potential.

Real Estate Investment Groups and Partnerships

Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs) and partnerships offer a way for investors to pool their resources and access a broader range of real estate opportunities. These groups can take various forms, often structured as partnerships or limited liability companies (LLCs), which often allow investors to avoid the direct management responsibilities associated with owning property. By pooling capital, REIGs can facilitate larger and more diversified investments than individual investors might manage on their own.

One of the main advantages of REIGs is the professional management they provide, which can help mitigate the risks associated with property investment. Investors benefit from pooled rent from all units, ensuring a steady income stream. Additionally, limited partnerships in real estate, such as Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs), typically limit the liability of passive investors, protecting them against losses beyond their initial investment.

With the advent of online real estate platforms, even non-accredited investors now have access to various real estate investment opportunities that were previously limited to accredited individuals. This democratization of real estate investing allows more people to participate in the market and benefit from the potential returns and tax advantages it offers.

Leveraging Private Mortgages

Private mortgages provide an alternative financing option for homeowners who may not qualify for traditional mortgages due to poor credit or other financial circumstances. Private mortgage lenders act as the bank, lending money to homebuyers and often earning a higher interest rate than they would from traditional savings. This can be a beneficial arrangement for both parties, as homeowners gain access to necessary funds, and lenders receive a potentially higher return on their investment.

For real estate investors, participating in private mortgages can be a way to diversify their investment portfolio and earn steady income. However, it’s essential to understand the risks involved, such as the borrower’s ability to repay the loan and the potential for property depreciation.

Despite these risks, private mortgages remain a viable option for those looking to invest in real estate without directly owning property.

How Real Estate Investments Affect Taxes

Real estate investments come with various tax implications that can significantly impact an investor’s overall tax burden. For instance, investors in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) face different tax considerations, as most REIT dividends are taxed as ordinary income rather than at lower capital gains rates. However, the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) allows investors to write off depreciation on eligible property assets, lowering taxable income.

Rental properties offer several tax advantages, such as deducting expenses related to insurance, mortgage interest, and maintenance. Renting out a second home as a business can also provide the opportunity to deduct expenses like utilities and property management costs. House flippers’ profits are treated as business income rather than capital gains, influencing the applicable tax rate.

In Canada, capital gains tax applies to profit from selling a property above its purchase price, but only half of the gains are taxed at the marginal rate. Labeling a home as your principal residence can help you qualify for a tax exemption on capital gains when selling the property.

Understanding these tax implications is crucial for real estate investors to maximize their returns and minimize their property taxes.

Comparing Real Estate to Stock Market Investments

Comparing real estate to stock market investments reveals distinct differences in risk, volatility, and returns. While stock investments can yield high returns, they are often subject to greater volatility compared to real estate. Real estate investments typically display lower volatility and provide a tangible asset that offers a sense of security. Moreover, real estate is generally less liquid than stocks, as selling property involves finding buyers and negotiating prices.

The barrier to entry for real estate investing is often higher, requiring substantial upfront capital compared to stocks, which can be purchased in smaller increments. However, real estate offers robust long-term returns and the potential for capital appreciation.

Both real estate and stock market investments can provide cash flow and passive income, helping investors hedge against market risks during economic downturns. Real estate may be more suitable for long-term investors who prefer stability, while stocks appeal to those comfortable with volatility and seeking quicker gains.

Diversifying an investment portfolio with a mix of both asset classes can help balance risks and rewards.

Why Real Estate is a Good Long-Term Investment

White arrow going up cubic stairs

Investing in real estate offers numerous long-term benefits for a successful real estate investor, making it an attractive option for building wealth over time.

Some of the key advantages include:

  • Rental properties can provide a consistent cash flow, contributing to steady income.

  • Real estate investments offer a tangible asset that can appreciate in value, leading to significant wealth accumulation.

  • Historically, property values tend to rise due to increasing demand from population growth and urbanization.

The property market’s stability allows for better predictability in future values and returns, making real estate a reliable long-term investment. Each mortgage payment builds equity, which can later be leveraged for additional investments. Real estate also acts as an effective hedge against inflation, as property values and rents typically increase with inflation. The real estate market also reflects these trends, further solidifying its appeal.

Investors can achieve diversification by investing in various property types and locations, reducing overall risk. This mixed portfolio can stabilize cash flow, as certain asset types may thrive during economic downturns while others may not. Real estate remains a compelling choice for building long-term wealth and securing financial stability.


Real estate investing offers a multitude of opportunities, each with its own set of benefits and challenges. From the accessibility of REITs and online platforms to the hands-on approach of rental properties and house flipping, there is an investment strategy for everyone. Commercial and vacation properties provide additional avenues for diversification and personal enjoyment. By understanding the tax implications and comparing real estate to other investment options, investors can make informed decisions and build a successful real estate portfolio. As you embark on your real estate investing journey, remember that the key to success lies in thorough research, careful planning, and a willingness to adapt to market changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)?

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are public companies that invest in income-generating real estate and are funded through the sale of shares and bonds. They provide high liquidity and generally offer attractive dividend payouts.

How do online real estate platforms work?

Online real estate platforms facilitate connections between developers and investors, enabling investments in real estate projects with low minimums. Platforms like Fundrise and Crowdstreet in the US provide opportunities for both accredited and non-accredited investors. In Canada eligible and accredited investors can access the private real estate market on Midasboard.

What are the benefits of investing in rental properties?

Investing in rental properties offers a reliable source of cash flow and the potential for property value appreciation. Proper management and maintenance are essential to maximize your returns.

What are the risks associated with house flipping?

House flipping can be profitable, but it carries significant risks, such as underestimating renovation costs, encountering delays, and potentially failing to sell the property at a desired profit. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and budgeting to mitigate these risks effectively.

How do real estate investments affect taxes?

Real estate investments can provide significant tax benefits, like deductions for mortgage interest and depreciation. However, be mindful that profits from house flipping are taxed as business income, and REIT dividends are treated as ordinary income.


Real estate investing is the process of buying and managing properties to make money. This article covers REITs, rental properties, house flipping, and other strategies to help you get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Online real estate platforms enable broader access to investment opportunities and lower minimum investments, appealing to both accredited and non-accredited investors.

  • Investing in real estate offers long-term benefits such as consistent cash flow, potential for property appreciation, and acts as a hedge against inflation.

Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

blue cubes representing fractional reits

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a popular choice for those looking to invest in real estate without the need to directly purchase property. Established in 1960, a real estate investment trust was designed to make real estate investments accessible to smaller investors by allowing them to buy shares in a portfolio of real estate assets. These public and private companies raise funds by selling shares and bonds, which are then used to invest in income-generating properties such as shopping malls, office buildings, and apartments.

REITs come in three main categories: equity REITs, which own and operate income-producing properties; mortgage REITs, which provide financing for income-producing real estate by purchasing or originating mortgages; and hybrid REITs, which combine both equity and mortgage strategies.

Like all investments, REITs carry risks, including potential losses from declining property values or rising interest rates. Despite these risks, REITs remain a compelling option for many investors seeking to diversify their portfolios with real estate assets.

Exploring Online Real Estate Platforms

In recent years, online real estate platforms have revolutionized the way people invest in real estate. These platforms connect developers with investors, offering opportunities to invest in various real estate projects with relatively low minimum investments. Popular platforms like Fundrise and Crowdstreet in the US require minimum investments ranging from $500 to $25,000 or more, making real estate investment more accessible to a broader audience.

Online real estate platforms often cater to both accredited and non-accredited investors. For instance, while some platforms require investors to qualify as accredited investors, others like Fundrise and RealtyMogul offer options for those who do not meet this requirement. This inclusivity allows a wider range of investors to participate in real estate investing, regardless of their financial background or investment experience.

Investing through online platforms typically involves a commitment period, often at least five years, during which investors’ funds are tied up in the projects. Despite this, the convenience and potential returns make these platforms an appealing option for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio without the hassle of directly managing properties. In Canada, Midasboard offers a variety of real estate investment opportunities for accredited and eligible investors.

Investing in Rental Properties

Owning a rental property can be a lucrative way to generate steady income and build long-term wealth. Effective management of rental properties helps investors maintain stable cash flow and maximize returns. This often involves setting and increasing rents assertively, maintaining the property, and dealing with tenants’ issues, which can be challenging but rewarding.

One of the primary benefits of investing in rental properties is the potential for regular rental income, whether through long-term leases or short-term rentals. Additionally, property values tend to appreciate over time, contributing to the overall financial gain from real estate investments. Considering neighborhood stability is crucial, as it significantly impacts property values and rental income stability.

Managing rental property also involves regular maintenance and dealing with repairs, which many property owners outsource to contractors. While this adds to the operating expenses, it ensures the property remains in good condition, attracting and retaining tenants. With effort or the help of a property manager, rental properties can become a valuable portfolio addition.

House Flipping: Buying, Renovating, and Selling for Profit

House flipping is a popular investment strategy that involves buying undervalued properties, renovating them, and selling them for a profit. This approach typically targets distressed homes, foreclosed properties, or auctioned homes that can be purchased at a lower price. The key to successful house flipping lies in accurately estimating renovation costs, obtaining necessary permits, and identifying neighborhoods with growth potential.

The profitability of house flipping depends heavily on keeping renovation costs low and completing the work quickly, as ongoing costs accumulate monthly. Building good relationships with contractors and assembling a reliable team can streamline the renovation process and help manage costs effectively.

Staging the home for sale is another crucial step, as it can significantly enhance the property’s appeal and lead to a higher selling price. However, house flipping carries inherent risks, such as the potential inability to sell the property at a profit. Partnering with an experienced investor can help mitigate these risks and increase the chances of a successful flip.

Diversifying with Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate offers a way to diversify an investment portfolio and reduce overall volatility. This category includes properties zoned for business use, such as:

  • shopping malls

  • office buildings

  • warehouses

  • manufacturing sites

Investing in commercial real estate typically requires substantial upfront capital, often amounting to millions or even billions of dollars.

One of the primary benefits of commercial real estate is its potential to lower portfolio volatility. Investments in commercial properties are generally characterized by a low or negative correlation with stocks1, meaning they can perform well even when the stock market is down. This makes commercial real estate an attractive option for investors looking to stabilize their investment portfolio and hedge against market fluctuations.

Additionally, commercial real estate can provide a steady income stream through long-term leases with businesses and corporations. The diverse tenant base, ranging from national chains to local businesses, can also reduce risk, as the financial stability of tenants can vary. For those with the necessary capital and risk tolerance, commercial real estate represents a solid long-term investment opportunity.

The Benefits of Owning Vacation Property

Drawing of a vacation property on a beach

Owning a vacation property offers both personal enjoyment and financial benefits. While the returns can be seasonal, a well-managed vacation rental can provide a significant source of income and serve as a tax shelter through deductions for depreciation and mortgage interest. Additionally, having a personal vacation spot allows for creating lasting memories with family and friends, and it can also serve as a potential retirement home in the future.

However, owning a vacation property comes with responsibilities, including maintenance, upkeep, and marketing to attract guests. Effective marketing strategies, such as using professional photos and compelling descriptions, are crucial for maximizing rental income.

Balancing these responsibilities with the potential financial rewards makes vacation properties an appealing option for those looking to combine personal use with investment potential.

Real Estate Investment Groups and Partnerships

Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs) and partnerships offer a way for investors to pool their resources and access a broader range of real estate opportunities. These groups can take various forms, often structured as partnerships or limited liability companies (LLCs), which often allow investors to avoid the direct management responsibilities associated with owning property. By pooling capital, REIGs can facilitate larger and more diversified investments than individual investors might manage on their own.

One of the main advantages of REIGs is the professional management they provide, which can help mitigate the risks associated with property investment. Investors benefit from pooled rent from all units, ensuring a steady income stream. Additionally, limited partnerships in real estate, such as Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs), typically limit the liability of passive investors, protecting them against losses beyond their initial investment.

With the advent of online real estate platforms, even non-accredited investors now have access to various real estate investment opportunities that were previously limited to accredited individuals. This democratization of real estate investing allows more people to participate in the market and benefit from the potential returns and tax advantages it offers.

Leveraging Private Mortgages

Private mortgages provide an alternative financing option for homeowners who may not qualify for traditional mortgages due to poor credit or other financial circumstances. Private mortgage lenders act as the bank, lending money to homebuyers and often earning a higher interest rate than they would from traditional savings. This can be a beneficial arrangement for both parties, as homeowners gain access to necessary funds, and lenders receive a potentially higher return on their investment.

For real estate investors, participating in private mortgages can be a way to diversify their investment portfolio and earn steady income. However, it’s essential to understand the risks involved, such as the borrower’s ability to repay the loan and the potential for property depreciation.

Despite these risks, private mortgages remain a viable option for those looking to invest in real estate without directly owning property.

How Real Estate Investments Affect Taxes

Real estate investments come with various tax implications that can significantly impact an investor’s overall tax burden. For instance, investors in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) face different tax considerations, as most REIT dividends are taxed as ordinary income rather than at lower capital gains rates. However, the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) allows investors to write off depreciation on eligible property assets, lowering taxable income.

Rental properties offer several tax advantages, such as deducting expenses related to insurance, mortgage interest, and maintenance. Renting out a second home as a business can also provide the opportunity to deduct expenses like utilities and property management costs. House flippers’ profits are treated as business income rather than capital gains, influencing the applicable tax rate.

In Canada, capital gains tax applies to profit from selling a property above its purchase price, but only half of the gains are taxed at the marginal rate. Labeling a home as your principal residence can help you qualify for a tax exemption on capital gains when selling the property.

Understanding these tax implications is crucial for real estate investors to maximize their returns and minimize their property taxes.

Comparing Real Estate to Stock Market Investments

Comparing real estate to stock market investments reveals distinct differences in risk, volatility, and returns. While stock investments can yield high returns, they are often subject to greater volatility compared to real estate. Real estate investments typically display lower volatility and provide a tangible asset that offers a sense of security. Moreover, real estate is generally less liquid than stocks, as selling property involves finding buyers and negotiating prices.

The barrier to entry for real estate investing is often higher, requiring substantial upfront capital compared to stocks, which can be purchased in smaller increments. However, real estate offers robust long-term returns and the potential for capital appreciation.

Both real estate and stock market investments can provide cash flow and passive income, helping investors hedge against market risks during economic downturns. Real estate may be more suitable for long-term investors who prefer stability, while stocks appeal to those comfortable with volatility and seeking quicker gains.

Diversifying an investment portfolio with a mix of both asset classes can help balance risks and rewards.

Why Real Estate is a Good Long-Term Investment

White arrow going up cubic stairs

Investing in real estate offers numerous long-term benefits for a successful real estate investor, making it an attractive option for building wealth over time.

Some of the key advantages include:

  • Rental properties can provide a consistent cash flow, contributing to steady income.

  • Real estate investments offer a tangible asset that can appreciate in value, leading to significant wealth accumulation.

  • Historically, property values tend to rise due to increasing demand from population growth and urbanization.

The property market’s stability allows for better predictability in future values and returns, making real estate a reliable long-term investment. Each mortgage payment builds equity, which can later be leveraged for additional investments. Real estate also acts as an effective hedge against inflation, as property values and rents typically increase with inflation. The real estate market also reflects these trends, further solidifying its appeal.

Investors can achieve diversification by investing in various property types and locations, reducing overall risk. This mixed portfolio can stabilize cash flow, as certain asset types may thrive during economic downturns while others may not. Real estate remains a compelling choice for building long-term wealth and securing financial stability.


Real estate investing offers a multitude of opportunities, each with its own set of benefits and challenges. From the accessibility of REITs and online platforms to the hands-on approach of rental properties and house flipping, there is an investment strategy for everyone. Commercial and vacation properties provide additional avenues for diversification and personal enjoyment. By understanding the tax implications and comparing real estate to other investment options, investors can make informed decisions and build a successful real estate portfolio. As you embark on your real estate investing journey, remember that the key to success lies in thorough research, careful planning, and a willingness to adapt to market changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)?

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are public companies that invest in income-generating real estate and are funded through the sale of shares and bonds. They provide high liquidity and generally offer attractive dividend payouts.

How do online real estate platforms work?

Online real estate platforms facilitate connections between developers and investors, enabling investments in real estate projects with low minimums. Platforms like Fundrise and Crowdstreet in the US provide opportunities for both accredited and non-accredited investors. In Canada eligible and accredited investors can access the private real estate market on Midasboard.

What are the benefits of investing in rental properties?

Investing in rental properties offers a reliable source of cash flow and the potential for property value appreciation. Proper management and maintenance are essential to maximize your returns.

What are the risks associated with house flipping?

House flipping can be profitable, but it carries significant risks, such as underestimating renovation costs, encountering delays, and potentially failing to sell the property at a desired profit. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and budgeting to mitigate these risks effectively.

How do real estate investments affect taxes?

Real estate investments can provide significant tax benefits, like deductions for mortgage interest and depreciation. However, be mindful that profits from house flipping are taxed as business income, and REIT dividends are treated as ordinary income.


Real estate investing is the process of buying and managing properties to make money. This article covers REITs, rental properties, house flipping, and other strategies to help you get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Online real estate platforms enable broader access to investment opportunities and lower minimum investments, appealing to both accredited and non-accredited investors.

  • Investing in real estate offers long-term benefits such as consistent cash flow, potential for property appreciation, and acts as a hedge against inflation.

Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

blue cubes representing fractional reits

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a popular choice for those looking to invest in real estate without the need to directly purchase property. Established in 1960, a real estate investment trust was designed to make real estate investments accessible to smaller investors by allowing them to buy shares in a portfolio of real estate assets. These public and private companies raise funds by selling shares and bonds, which are then used to invest in income-generating properties such as shopping malls, office buildings, and apartments.

REITs come in three main categories: equity REITs, which own and operate income-producing properties; mortgage REITs, which provide financing for income-producing real estate by purchasing or originating mortgages; and hybrid REITs, which combine both equity and mortgage strategies.

Like all investments, REITs carry risks, including potential losses from declining property values or rising interest rates. Despite these risks, REITs remain a compelling option for many investors seeking to diversify their portfolios with real estate assets.

Exploring Online Real Estate Platforms

In recent years, online real estate platforms have revolutionized the way people invest in real estate. These platforms connect developers with investors, offering opportunities to invest in various real estate projects with relatively low minimum investments. Popular platforms like Fundrise and Crowdstreet in the US require minimum investments ranging from $500 to $25,000 or more, making real estate investment more accessible to a broader audience.

Online real estate platforms often cater to both accredited and non-accredited investors. For instance, while some platforms require investors to qualify as accredited investors, others like Fundrise and RealtyMogul offer options for those who do not meet this requirement. This inclusivity allows a wider range of investors to participate in real estate investing, regardless of their financial background or investment experience.

Investing through online platforms typically involves a commitment period, often at least five years, during which investors’ funds are tied up in the projects. Despite this, the convenience and potential returns make these platforms an appealing option for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio without the hassle of directly managing properties. In Canada, Midasboard offers a variety of real estate investment opportunities for accredited and eligible investors.

Investing in Rental Properties

Owning a rental property can be a lucrative way to generate steady income and build long-term wealth. Effective management of rental properties helps investors maintain stable cash flow and maximize returns. This often involves setting and increasing rents assertively, maintaining the property, and dealing with tenants’ issues, which can be challenging but rewarding.

One of the primary benefits of investing in rental properties is the potential for regular rental income, whether through long-term leases or short-term rentals. Additionally, property values tend to appreciate over time, contributing to the overall financial gain from real estate investments. Considering neighborhood stability is crucial, as it significantly impacts property values and rental income stability.

Managing rental property also involves regular maintenance and dealing with repairs, which many property owners outsource to contractors. While this adds to the operating expenses, it ensures the property remains in good condition, attracting and retaining tenants. With effort or the help of a property manager, rental properties can become a valuable portfolio addition.

House Flipping: Buying, Renovating, and Selling for Profit

House flipping is a popular investment strategy that involves buying undervalued properties, renovating them, and selling them for a profit. This approach typically targets distressed homes, foreclosed properties, or auctioned homes that can be purchased at a lower price. The key to successful house flipping lies in accurately estimating renovation costs, obtaining necessary permits, and identifying neighborhoods with growth potential.

The profitability of house flipping depends heavily on keeping renovation costs low and completing the work quickly, as ongoing costs accumulate monthly. Building good relationships with contractors and assembling a reliable team can streamline the renovation process and help manage costs effectively.

Staging the home for sale is another crucial step, as it can significantly enhance the property’s appeal and lead to a higher selling price. However, house flipping carries inherent risks, such as the potential inability to sell the property at a profit. Partnering with an experienced investor can help mitigate these risks and increase the chances of a successful flip.

Diversifying with Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate offers a way to diversify an investment portfolio and reduce overall volatility. This category includes properties zoned for business use, such as:

  • shopping malls

  • office buildings

  • warehouses

  • manufacturing sites

Investing in commercial real estate typically requires substantial upfront capital, often amounting to millions or even billions of dollars.

One of the primary benefits of commercial real estate is its potential to lower portfolio volatility. Investments in commercial properties are generally characterized by a low or negative correlation with stocks1, meaning they can perform well even when the stock market is down. This makes commercial real estate an attractive option for investors looking to stabilize their investment portfolio and hedge against market fluctuations.

Additionally, commercial real estate can provide a steady income stream through long-term leases with businesses and corporations. The diverse tenant base, ranging from national chains to local businesses, can also reduce risk, as the financial stability of tenants can vary. For those with the necessary capital and risk tolerance, commercial real estate represents a solid long-term investment opportunity.

The Benefits of Owning Vacation Property

Drawing of a vacation property on a beach

Owning a vacation property offers both personal enjoyment and financial benefits. While the returns can be seasonal, a well-managed vacation rental can provide a significant source of income and serve as a tax shelter through deductions for depreciation and mortgage interest. Additionally, having a personal vacation spot allows for creating lasting memories with family and friends, and it can also serve as a potential retirement home in the future.

However, owning a vacation property comes with responsibilities, including maintenance, upkeep, and marketing to attract guests. Effective marketing strategies, such as using professional photos and compelling descriptions, are crucial for maximizing rental income.

Balancing these responsibilities with the potential financial rewards makes vacation properties an appealing option for those looking to combine personal use with investment potential.

Real Estate Investment Groups and Partnerships

Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs) and partnerships offer a way for investors to pool their resources and access a broader range of real estate opportunities. These groups can take various forms, often structured as partnerships or limited liability companies (LLCs), which often allow investors to avoid the direct management responsibilities associated with owning property. By pooling capital, REIGs can facilitate larger and more diversified investments than individual investors might manage on their own.

One of the main advantages of REIGs is the professional management they provide, which can help mitigate the risks associated with property investment. Investors benefit from pooled rent from all units, ensuring a steady income stream. Additionally, limited partnerships in real estate, such as Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs), typically limit the liability of passive investors, protecting them against losses beyond their initial investment.

With the advent of online real estate platforms, even non-accredited investors now have access to various real estate investment opportunities that were previously limited to accredited individuals. This democratization of real estate investing allows more people to participate in the market and benefit from the potential returns and tax advantages it offers.

Leveraging Private Mortgages

Private mortgages provide an alternative financing option for homeowners who may not qualify for traditional mortgages due to poor credit or other financial circumstances. Private mortgage lenders act as the bank, lending money to homebuyers and often earning a higher interest rate than they would from traditional savings. This can be a beneficial arrangement for both parties, as homeowners gain access to necessary funds, and lenders receive a potentially higher return on their investment.

For real estate investors, participating in private mortgages can be a way to diversify their investment portfolio and earn steady income. However, it’s essential to understand the risks involved, such as the borrower’s ability to repay the loan and the potential for property depreciation.

Despite these risks, private mortgages remain a viable option for those looking to invest in real estate without directly owning property.

How Real Estate Investments Affect Taxes

Real estate investments come with various tax implications that can significantly impact an investor’s overall tax burden. For instance, investors in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) face different tax considerations, as most REIT dividends are taxed as ordinary income rather than at lower capital gains rates. However, the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) allows investors to write off depreciation on eligible property assets, lowering taxable income.

Rental properties offer several tax advantages, such as deducting expenses related to insurance, mortgage interest, and maintenance. Renting out a second home as a business can also provide the opportunity to deduct expenses like utilities and property management costs. House flippers’ profits are treated as business income rather than capital gains, influencing the applicable tax rate.

In Canada, capital gains tax applies to profit from selling a property above its purchase price, but only half of the gains are taxed at the marginal rate. Labeling a home as your principal residence can help you qualify for a tax exemption on capital gains when selling the property.

Understanding these tax implications is crucial for real estate investors to maximize their returns and minimize their property taxes.

Comparing Real Estate to Stock Market Investments

Comparing real estate to stock market investments reveals distinct differences in risk, volatility, and returns. While stock investments can yield high returns, they are often subject to greater volatility compared to real estate. Real estate investments typically display lower volatility and provide a tangible asset that offers a sense of security. Moreover, real estate is generally less liquid than stocks, as selling property involves finding buyers and negotiating prices.

The barrier to entry for real estate investing is often higher, requiring substantial upfront capital compared to stocks, which can be purchased in smaller increments. However, real estate offers robust long-term returns and the potential for capital appreciation.

Both real estate and stock market investments can provide cash flow and passive income, helping investors hedge against market risks during economic downturns. Real estate may be more suitable for long-term investors who prefer stability, while stocks appeal to those comfortable with volatility and seeking quicker gains.

Diversifying an investment portfolio with a mix of both asset classes can help balance risks and rewards.

Why Real Estate is a Good Long-Term Investment

White arrow going up cubic stairs

Investing in real estate offers numerous long-term benefits for a successful real estate investor, making it an attractive option for building wealth over time.

Some of the key advantages include:

  • Rental properties can provide a consistent cash flow, contributing to steady income.

  • Real estate investments offer a tangible asset that can appreciate in value, leading to significant wealth accumulation.

  • Historically, property values tend to rise due to increasing demand from population growth and urbanization.

The property market’s stability allows for better predictability in future values and returns, making real estate a reliable long-term investment. Each mortgage payment builds equity, which can later be leveraged for additional investments. Real estate also acts as an effective hedge against inflation, as property values and rents typically increase with inflation. The real estate market also reflects these trends, further solidifying its appeal.

Investors can achieve diversification by investing in various property types and locations, reducing overall risk. This mixed portfolio can stabilize cash flow, as certain asset types may thrive during economic downturns while others may not. Real estate remains a compelling choice for building long-term wealth and securing financial stability.


Real estate investing offers a multitude of opportunities, each with its own set of benefits and challenges. From the accessibility of REITs and online platforms to the hands-on approach of rental properties and house flipping, there is an investment strategy for everyone. Commercial and vacation properties provide additional avenues for diversification and personal enjoyment. By understanding the tax implications and comparing real estate to other investment options, investors can make informed decisions and build a successful real estate portfolio. As you embark on your real estate investing journey, remember that the key to success lies in thorough research, careful planning, and a willingness to adapt to market changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)?

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are public companies that invest in income-generating real estate and are funded through the sale of shares and bonds. They provide high liquidity and generally offer attractive dividend payouts.

How do online real estate platforms work?

Online real estate platforms facilitate connections between developers and investors, enabling investments in real estate projects with low minimums. Platforms like Fundrise and Crowdstreet in the US provide opportunities for both accredited and non-accredited investors. In Canada eligible and accredited investors can access the private real estate market on Midasboard.

What are the benefits of investing in rental properties?

Investing in rental properties offers a reliable source of cash flow and the potential for property value appreciation. Proper management and maintenance are essential to maximize your returns.

What are the risks associated with house flipping?

House flipping can be profitable, but it carries significant risks, such as underestimating renovation costs, encountering delays, and potentially failing to sell the property at a desired profit. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and budgeting to mitigate these risks effectively.

How do real estate investments affect taxes?

Real estate investments can provide significant tax benefits, like deductions for mortgage interest and depreciation. However, be mindful that profits from house flipping are taxed as business income, and REIT dividends are treated as ordinary income.


In this article

1.Key Takeaways
2.Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
3.Exploring Online Real Estate Platforms
4.Investing in Rental Properties
5.House Flipping: Buying, Renovating, and Selling for Profit
6.Diversifying with Commercial Real Estate
7.The Benefits of Owning Vacation Property
8.Real Estate Investment Groups and Partnerships
9.Leveraging Private Mortgages
10.How Real Estate Investments Affect Taxes
11.Comparing Real Estate to Stock Market Investments
12.Why Real Estate is a Good Long-Term Investment
14.Frequently Asked Questions
1.Key Takeaways
2.Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
3.Exploring Online Real Estate Platforms
4.Investing in Rental Properties
5.House Flipping: Buying, Renovating, and Selling for Profit
6.Diversifying with Commercial Real Estate
7.The Benefits of Owning Vacation Property
8.Real Estate Investment Groups and Partnerships
9.Leveraging Private Mortgages
10.How Real Estate Investments Affect Taxes
11.Comparing Real Estate to Stock Market Investments
12.Why Real Estate is a Good Long-Term Investment
14.Frequently Asked Questions
1.Key Takeaways
2.Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
3.Exploring Online Real Estate Platforms
4.Investing in Rental Properties
5.House Flipping: Buying, Renovating, and Selling for Profit
6.Diversifying with Commercial Real Estate
7.The Benefits of Owning Vacation Property
8.Real Estate Investment Groups and Partnerships
9.Leveraging Private Mortgages
10.How Real Estate Investments Affect Taxes
11.Comparing Real Estate to Stock Market Investments
12.Why Real Estate is a Good Long-Term Investment
14.Frequently Asked Questions

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This article is for educational purposes only. The information contained herein is not, and should not be construed as, investment, tax or legal advice to any party. Particular investments and/or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to the individual’s investment objectives and professional advice should be obtained with respect to any circumstance.

Any statement that necessarily depends on future events may be a forward-looking statement. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although such statements are based on assumptions that are believed to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from expectations. Investors are cautioned not to rely unduly on any forward-looking statements.