The Benefits of Farmland Investing

The Benefits of Farmland Investing

The Benefits of Farmland Investing

The Benefits of Farmland Investing

gold wheat on a green background
gold wheat on a green background
gold wheat on a green background
gold wheat on a green background

Arsh Singh

Arsh Singh

Arsh Singh

9 min read

Aug 28, 2024

Farmland investing offers stability and growth potential, making it a smart choice for diversifying your portfolio. In this article, you’ll learn why farmland is resilient against economic fluctuations, the historical returns it offers, and the different ways to invest in it.

Key Takeaways

  • Farmland investing offers stability and resilience, with historical returns averaging 12.75%1, providing a hedge against inflation and portfolio diversification.

  • Investors have various methods to engage in farmland, including direct ownership, private funds, REITs, agricultural stocks, and crowdfunding platforms, catering to different financial capacities.

  • Canadian farmland represents a unique investment opportunity, driven by global food demand and a fertile agricultural landscape.

Why Farmland Investing?

Why should you consider farmland investments? The answer lies in its inherent stability and resilience. Unlike other asset classes that experience high volatility, farmland values tend to remain steady even amidst economic fluctuations. This stability is largely due to the essential nature of food production, which ensures continuous demand and makes farmland a robust investment.

Moreover, farmland investments have historically outperformed most major assets, including commercial real estate, over the past three decades. With an average return of 12.75% percent1, US farmland has shown a consistent upward trend , appealing to investors seeking long-term growth. This performance is particularly impressive when compared to the 10 percent return of the S&P 500 index over the same 20 year period2 highlighting farmland’s potential as a lucrative investment opportunity.

Another compelling reason to invest in farmland is its ability to serve as a hedge against inflation. As the cost of living rises, so do the values of farmland and crop income, protecting your capital against the eroding effects of inflation. Additionally, farmland investments offer the benefit of passive income through rental agreements, providing a steady cash flow without the need for active management.

Lastly, investing in farmland allows for portfolio diversification due to its distinctive characteristics and returns. Including farmland in your investment mix spreads your risk and enhances portfolio stability by reducing reliance on traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Urban sprawl reduces the availability of arable land, driving up the value of farmland and making it a more attractive investment.

Different Ways to Invest in Farmland

here are several ways to tap into the lucrative world of farmland investments. Whether you have significant capital to purchase land outright or prefer more accessible options like REITs and crowdfunding platforms, there’s an investment method that suits your financial situation and goals.

These avenues offer various entry points for investors.

Buying Farmland Directly

Owning farmland directly involves purchasing a parcel of land and either managing it yourself or leasing it to farmers. This traditional method requires substantial capital and prices continue to rise. The average purchase price for Canadian farm land increasing 11.5% in 20233. The cost per acre varies depending on the type of land and location. In Ontario, farmland values can range significantly, with some areas reporting values as high as $32,700 per acre4.

Despite the high initial investment, direct ownership can provide a steady income stream through rental agreements or crop production. Many investors opt for a sale-leaseback strategy, allowing current farmers to continue operating the land while paying rent. This approach not only ensures income but also maintains the land’s productivity.

Farmland REITs

Farmland Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offer a more accessible way to invest in farmland by allowing investors to buy shares rather than entire properties. This method lowers the entry barrier and provides liquidity, making it an attractive option for many investors.

Private Farmland Funds

Private agricultural funds are specialized investment vehicles that allow individuals or entities with significant financial resources to invest in the agricultural sector. In Canada, accredited and eligible investors can invest on agricultural funds on Midasboard.

Agricultural Stocks

Investing in agricultural stocks provides exposure to various sectors within the farming industry, including crop production and agricultural equipment. Major agricultural stocks like Archer-Daniels-Midland and Corteva are key players in food production and offer a way to gain indirect exposure to farmland investments.

These publicly traded companies are involved in different aspects of the farming supply chain, from seed production to commodity trading, making them a viable option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios without directly buying land.

Farmland Crowdfunding Platforms

Farmland crowdfunding platforms like Steward and AcreTrader have revolutionized the way investors participate in the farmland market. These platforms allow investors to pool their resources and invest in farmland projects, often requiring accreditation and a high net worth or income. The minimum investment can vary, making it accessible to a broader range of investors.

These platforms simplify the investment process by handling tasks like land selection and income distribution. However, investing in a single farm through crowdfunding can result in less diversification compared to pooled investment funds, which is something to consider when evaluating this option.

Canadian Farmland: A Unique Opportunity

Gold maple leaf outline over green background

Canadian farmland presents a unique and compelling investment opportunity due to its strategic importance and the increasing global demand for agricultural products. With the expected growth in global food demand, the value of agricultural land is likely to appreciate significantly, making Canadian farmland a valuable asset for investors.

Importance of Canadian Prairies

The Canadian Prairies are crucial for global food security due to their prime agricultural land. This region’s fertile soil and favourable climate conditions make it an essential area for crop production, contributing significantly to the global food supply.

Due Diligence in Canadian Farmland Investments

Thorough due diligence is crucial for successful farmland investments, especially in Canada. Investors need to understand the opportunities and risks associated with their investments. Factors such as climate conditions, soil quality, and sustainability practices can significantly impact agricultural productivity and should be carefully evaluated.

Evaluating the management team and financial structure ensures effective operations and risk management.

Pros and Cons of Farmland Investing

Farmland investing comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these pros and cons helps in making informed investment decisions.

We will explore the key benefits and challenges of farmland investments.


One of the primary advantages of farmland investments is their low volatility compared to traditional financial markets. Farmland values tend to be less sensitive to market fluctuations, providing a stable investment option. Additionally, farmland serves as an excellent inflation hedge, boosting acreage values and crop income during periods of inflation.

Including farmland in your investment portfolio enhances diversification by reducing reliance on traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Leasing farmland back to farmers diversifies risks across different parcels of land, crops, and operators.

Investing in farmland REITs offers further diversification, liquidity, and lower minimum investment requirements.


Despite its many benefits, farmland investing also has its drawbacks. High initial investment costs can pose a significant barrier for many potential investors. Additionally, agricultural land is considered an illiquid asset, making it challenging to quickly access capital if needed.

The profitability of farmland can be heavily influenced by fluctuating commodity prices, introducing an element of volatility. Climate change poses another concern, as changing weather patterns can impact crop yields and overall productivity.

Future Trends in Farmland Investing

Emerging trends in farmland investing are shaping the future of this asset class. Technological innovations and sustainable farming practices are at the forefront, enhancing the attractiveness and profitability of farmland investments.

Technological Innovations

Drones over farm land

Technological advancements in farming, such as AI and automation, are revolutionizing the industry. As of late 2021, 87% of US agricultural businesses had integrated AI, optimizing crop management and reducing environmental impacts5. Farm automation, including drones and autonomous tractors, is reducing human labor while increasing efficiency.

Indoor vertical farming and technologies like micro drip irrigation are also contributing to sustainable farming practices. These innovations allow for higher crop yields in limited spaces and significantly reduce water usage, making farming more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming practices are becoming essential for farmland investment strategies due to their role in minimizing natural resource degradation. Emphasizing resource conservation and environmentally friendly practices, sustainable farming supports long-term soil health and resource conservation.

The demand for sustainably produced agricultural commodities is increasing, presenting stable returns for investors. By investing in sustainable farming practices, you not only contribute to environmental conservation but also secure long-term investment stability.

How to Get Started with Farmland Investing

Getting started with farmland investing involves several key steps. Conducting thorough research and setting clear investment goals are crucial for making informed decisions.

Exploring these steps in detail provides clarity.

Setting Investment Goals

Before diving into farmland investments, it’s essential to determine your investment goals. Consider factors such as accreditation, minimum investment requirements, and your financial objectives. Setting clear investment goals helps you align your financial resources with your desired outcomes, ensuring you make the most of your investment opportunities.

Evaluating Investment Options

Evaluating different investment options is crucial for a successful farmland investment strategy. Consider your risk tolerance, available capital, and expected returns when assessing various farmland investment vehicles. Factors such as potential returns, market volatility, and your capacity for managing risk should also be taken into account.

Understanding the differences between various farmland investment methods, such as direct ownership, REITs, and crowdfunding platforms, is essential for making informed choices. Assess the management team and financial structure before committing to any investment to ensure effective operations and risk management.


In summary, farmland investments offer a unique and stable opportunity for diversifying your investment portfolio. With their low volatility, inflation-hedging properties, and potential for long-term appreciation, farmland investments stand out as a valuable asset class. By exploring different investment methods and staying informed about future trends, you can make the most of this lucrative investment opportunity.

As you consider adding farmland to your investment portfolio, remember the importance of thorough research and due diligence. By setting clear investment goals and evaluating your options carefully, you can secure a stable and rewarding future with farmland investments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is farmland considered a stable investment?

Farmland is a stable investment because it typically offers low volatility and maintains consistent demand for food, leading to reliable returns even in varying economic conditions. This makes it a prudent choice for investors seeking resilience.

What are the different ways to invest in farmland?

Investing in farmland can be done through direct ownership, private funds, REITs, agricultural stocks, or crowdfunding platforms, with each option presenting varying levels of accessibility and risk. Choose the method that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Canadian eligible and accredited investors can access farmland funds on Midasboard.

Why is Canadian farmland a unique investment opportunity?

Canadian farmland presents a unique investment opportunity because of its prime agricultural conditions and the rising global demand for quality food. Investing in this sector can yield significant returns as food needs continue to grow.

What are the advantages of farmland investing?

Farmland investing offers advantages such as low volatility, protection against inflation, diversification of your investment portfolio, and the potential for consistent income through rental agreements or crop production. This makes it an appealing option for long-term financial stability.

What should I consider before investing in farmland?

Before investing in farmland, it’s essential to evaluate climate conditions, soil quality, the capability of your management team, and your financial objectives. Conducting thorough due diligence will greatly enhance your chances of success.


Farmland investing offers stability and growth potential, making it a smart choice for diversifying your portfolio. In this article, you’ll learn why farmland is resilient against economic fluctuations, the historical returns it offers, and the different ways to invest in it.

Key Takeaways

  • Farmland investing offers stability and resilience, with historical returns averaging 12.75%1, providing a hedge against inflation and portfolio diversification.

  • Investors have various methods to engage in farmland, including direct ownership, private funds, REITs, agricultural stocks, and crowdfunding platforms, catering to different financial capacities.

  • Canadian farmland represents a unique investment opportunity, driven by global food demand and a fertile agricultural landscape.

Why Farmland Investing?

Why should you consider farmland investments? The answer lies in its inherent stability and resilience. Unlike other asset classes that experience high volatility, farmland values tend to remain steady even amidst economic fluctuations. This stability is largely due to the essential nature of food production, which ensures continuous demand and makes farmland a robust investment.

Moreover, farmland investments have historically outperformed most major assets, including commercial real estate, over the past three decades. With an average return of 12.75% percent1, US farmland has shown a consistent upward trend , appealing to investors seeking long-term growth. This performance is particularly impressive when compared to the 10 percent return of the S&P 500 index over the same 20 year period2 highlighting farmland’s potential as a lucrative investment opportunity.

Another compelling reason to invest in farmland is its ability to serve as a hedge against inflation. As the cost of living rises, so do the values of farmland and crop income, protecting your capital against the eroding effects of inflation. Additionally, farmland investments offer the benefit of passive income through rental agreements, providing a steady cash flow without the need for active management.

Lastly, investing in farmland allows for portfolio diversification due to its distinctive characteristics and returns. Including farmland in your investment mix spreads your risk and enhances portfolio stability by reducing reliance on traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Urban sprawl reduces the availability of arable land, driving up the value of farmland and making it a more attractive investment.

Different Ways to Invest in Farmland

here are several ways to tap into the lucrative world of farmland investments. Whether you have significant capital to purchase land outright or prefer more accessible options like REITs and crowdfunding platforms, there’s an investment method that suits your financial situation and goals.

These avenues offer various entry points for investors.

Buying Farmland Directly

Owning farmland directly involves purchasing a parcel of land and either managing it yourself or leasing it to farmers. This traditional method requires substantial capital and prices continue to rise. The average purchase price for Canadian farm land increasing 11.5% in 20233. The cost per acre varies depending on the type of land and location. In Ontario, farmland values can range significantly, with some areas reporting values as high as $32,700 per acre4.

Despite the high initial investment, direct ownership can provide a steady income stream through rental agreements or crop production. Many investors opt for a sale-leaseback strategy, allowing current farmers to continue operating the land while paying rent. This approach not only ensures income but also maintains the land’s productivity.

Farmland REITs

Farmland Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offer a more accessible way to invest in farmland by allowing investors to buy shares rather than entire properties. This method lowers the entry barrier and provides liquidity, making it an attractive option for many investors.

Private Farmland Funds

Private agricultural funds are specialized investment vehicles that allow individuals or entities with significant financial resources to invest in the agricultural sector. In Canada, accredited and eligible investors can invest on agricultural funds on Midasboard.

Agricultural Stocks

Investing in agricultural stocks provides exposure to various sectors within the farming industry, including crop production and agricultural equipment. Major agricultural stocks like Archer-Daniels-Midland and Corteva are key players in food production and offer a way to gain indirect exposure to farmland investments.

These publicly traded companies are involved in different aspects of the farming supply chain, from seed production to commodity trading, making them a viable option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios without directly buying land.

Farmland Crowdfunding Platforms

Farmland crowdfunding platforms like Steward and AcreTrader have revolutionized the way investors participate in the farmland market. These platforms allow investors to pool their resources and invest in farmland projects, often requiring accreditation and a high net worth or income. The minimum investment can vary, making it accessible to a broader range of investors.

These platforms simplify the investment process by handling tasks like land selection and income distribution. However, investing in a single farm through crowdfunding can result in less diversification compared to pooled investment funds, which is something to consider when evaluating this option.

Canadian Farmland: A Unique Opportunity

Gold maple leaf outline over green background

Canadian farmland presents a unique and compelling investment opportunity due to its strategic importance and the increasing global demand for agricultural products. With the expected growth in global food demand, the value of agricultural land is likely to appreciate significantly, making Canadian farmland a valuable asset for investors.

Importance of Canadian Prairies

The Canadian Prairies are crucial for global food security due to their prime agricultural land. This region’s fertile soil and favourable climate conditions make it an essential area for crop production, contributing significantly to the global food supply.

Due Diligence in Canadian Farmland Investments

Thorough due diligence is crucial for successful farmland investments, especially in Canada. Investors need to understand the opportunities and risks associated with their investments. Factors such as climate conditions, soil quality, and sustainability practices can significantly impact agricultural productivity and should be carefully evaluated.

Evaluating the management team and financial structure ensures effective operations and risk management.

Pros and Cons of Farmland Investing

Farmland investing comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these pros and cons helps in making informed investment decisions.

We will explore the key benefits and challenges of farmland investments.


One of the primary advantages of farmland investments is their low volatility compared to traditional financial markets. Farmland values tend to be less sensitive to market fluctuations, providing a stable investment option. Additionally, farmland serves as an excellent inflation hedge, boosting acreage values and crop income during periods of inflation.

Including farmland in your investment portfolio enhances diversification by reducing reliance on traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Leasing farmland back to farmers diversifies risks across different parcels of land, crops, and operators.

Investing in farmland REITs offers further diversification, liquidity, and lower minimum investment requirements.


Despite its many benefits, farmland investing also has its drawbacks. High initial investment costs can pose a significant barrier for many potential investors. Additionally, agricultural land is considered an illiquid asset, making it challenging to quickly access capital if needed.

The profitability of farmland can be heavily influenced by fluctuating commodity prices, introducing an element of volatility. Climate change poses another concern, as changing weather patterns can impact crop yields and overall productivity.

Future Trends in Farmland Investing

Emerging trends in farmland investing are shaping the future of this asset class. Technological innovations and sustainable farming practices are at the forefront, enhancing the attractiveness and profitability of farmland investments.

Technological Innovations

Drones over farm land

Technological advancements in farming, such as AI and automation, are revolutionizing the industry. As of late 2021, 87% of US agricultural businesses had integrated AI, optimizing crop management and reducing environmental impacts5. Farm automation, including drones and autonomous tractors, is reducing human labor while increasing efficiency.

Indoor vertical farming and technologies like micro drip irrigation are also contributing to sustainable farming practices. These innovations allow for higher crop yields in limited spaces and significantly reduce water usage, making farming more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming practices are becoming essential for farmland investment strategies due to their role in minimizing natural resource degradation. Emphasizing resource conservation and environmentally friendly practices, sustainable farming supports long-term soil health and resource conservation.

The demand for sustainably produced agricultural commodities is increasing, presenting stable returns for investors. By investing in sustainable farming practices, you not only contribute to environmental conservation but also secure long-term investment stability.

How to Get Started with Farmland Investing

Getting started with farmland investing involves several key steps. Conducting thorough research and setting clear investment goals are crucial for making informed decisions.

Exploring these steps in detail provides clarity.

Setting Investment Goals

Before diving into farmland investments, it’s essential to determine your investment goals. Consider factors such as accreditation, minimum investment requirements, and your financial objectives. Setting clear investment goals helps you align your financial resources with your desired outcomes, ensuring you make the most of your investment opportunities.

Evaluating Investment Options

Evaluating different investment options is crucial for a successful farmland investment strategy. Consider your risk tolerance, available capital, and expected returns when assessing various farmland investment vehicles. Factors such as potential returns, market volatility, and your capacity for managing risk should also be taken into account.

Understanding the differences between various farmland investment methods, such as direct ownership, REITs, and crowdfunding platforms, is essential for making informed choices. Assess the management team and financial structure before committing to any investment to ensure effective operations and risk management.


In summary, farmland investments offer a unique and stable opportunity for diversifying your investment portfolio. With their low volatility, inflation-hedging properties, and potential for long-term appreciation, farmland investments stand out as a valuable asset class. By exploring different investment methods and staying informed about future trends, you can make the most of this lucrative investment opportunity.

As you consider adding farmland to your investment portfolio, remember the importance of thorough research and due diligence. By setting clear investment goals and evaluating your options carefully, you can secure a stable and rewarding future with farmland investments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is farmland considered a stable investment?

Farmland is a stable investment because it typically offers low volatility and maintains consistent demand for food, leading to reliable returns even in varying economic conditions. This makes it a prudent choice for investors seeking resilience.

What are the different ways to invest in farmland?

Investing in farmland can be done through direct ownership, private funds, REITs, agricultural stocks, or crowdfunding platforms, with each option presenting varying levels of accessibility and risk. Choose the method that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Canadian eligible and accredited investors can access farmland funds on Midasboard.

Why is Canadian farmland a unique investment opportunity?

Canadian farmland presents a unique investment opportunity because of its prime agricultural conditions and the rising global demand for quality food. Investing in this sector can yield significant returns as food needs continue to grow.

What are the advantages of farmland investing?

Farmland investing offers advantages such as low volatility, protection against inflation, diversification of your investment portfolio, and the potential for consistent income through rental agreements or crop production. This makes it an appealing option for long-term financial stability.

What should I consider before investing in farmland?

Before investing in farmland, it’s essential to evaluate climate conditions, soil quality, the capability of your management team, and your financial objectives. Conducting thorough due diligence will greatly enhance your chances of success.


Farmland investing offers stability and growth potential, making it a smart choice for diversifying your portfolio. In this article, you’ll learn why farmland is resilient against economic fluctuations, the historical returns it offers, and the different ways to invest in it.

Key Takeaways

  • Farmland investing offers stability and resilience, with historical returns averaging 12.75%1, providing a hedge against inflation and portfolio diversification.

  • Investors have various methods to engage in farmland, including direct ownership, private funds, REITs, agricultural stocks, and crowdfunding platforms, catering to different financial capacities.

  • Canadian farmland represents a unique investment opportunity, driven by global food demand and a fertile agricultural landscape.

Why Farmland Investing?

Why should you consider farmland investments? The answer lies in its inherent stability and resilience. Unlike other asset classes that experience high volatility, farmland values tend to remain steady even amidst economic fluctuations. This stability is largely due to the essential nature of food production, which ensures continuous demand and makes farmland a robust investment.

Moreover, farmland investments have historically outperformed most major assets, including commercial real estate, over the past three decades. With an average return of 12.75% percent1, US farmland has shown a consistent upward trend , appealing to investors seeking long-term growth. This performance is particularly impressive when compared to the 10 percent return of the S&P 500 index over the same 20 year period2 highlighting farmland’s potential as a lucrative investment opportunity.

Another compelling reason to invest in farmland is its ability to serve as a hedge against inflation. As the cost of living rises, so do the values of farmland and crop income, protecting your capital against the eroding effects of inflation. Additionally, farmland investments offer the benefit of passive income through rental agreements, providing a steady cash flow without the need for active management.

Lastly, investing in farmland allows for portfolio diversification due to its distinctive characteristics and returns. Including farmland in your investment mix spreads your risk and enhances portfolio stability by reducing reliance on traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Urban sprawl reduces the availability of arable land, driving up the value of farmland and making it a more attractive investment.

Different Ways to Invest in Farmland

here are several ways to tap into the lucrative world of farmland investments. Whether you have significant capital to purchase land outright or prefer more accessible options like REITs and crowdfunding platforms, there’s an investment method that suits your financial situation and goals.

These avenues offer various entry points for investors.

Buying Farmland Directly

Owning farmland directly involves purchasing a parcel of land and either managing it yourself or leasing it to farmers. This traditional method requires substantial capital and prices continue to rise. The average purchase price for Canadian farm land increasing 11.5% in 20233. The cost per acre varies depending on the type of land and location. In Ontario, farmland values can range significantly, with some areas reporting values as high as $32,700 per acre4.

Despite the high initial investment, direct ownership can provide a steady income stream through rental agreements or crop production. Many investors opt for a sale-leaseback strategy, allowing current farmers to continue operating the land while paying rent. This approach not only ensures income but also maintains the land’s productivity.

Farmland REITs

Farmland Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offer a more accessible way to invest in farmland by allowing investors to buy shares rather than entire properties. This method lowers the entry barrier and provides liquidity, making it an attractive option for many investors.

Private Farmland Funds

Private agricultural funds are specialized investment vehicles that allow individuals or entities with significant financial resources to invest in the agricultural sector. In Canada, accredited and eligible investors can invest on agricultural funds on Midasboard.

Agricultural Stocks

Investing in agricultural stocks provides exposure to various sectors within the farming industry, including crop production and agricultural equipment. Major agricultural stocks like Archer-Daniels-Midland and Corteva are key players in food production and offer a way to gain indirect exposure to farmland investments.

These publicly traded companies are involved in different aspects of the farming supply chain, from seed production to commodity trading, making them a viable option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios without directly buying land.

Farmland Crowdfunding Platforms

Farmland crowdfunding platforms like Steward and AcreTrader have revolutionized the way investors participate in the farmland market. These platforms allow investors to pool their resources and invest in farmland projects, often requiring accreditation and a high net worth or income. The minimum investment can vary, making it accessible to a broader range of investors.

These platforms simplify the investment process by handling tasks like land selection and income distribution. However, investing in a single farm through crowdfunding can result in less diversification compared to pooled investment funds, which is something to consider when evaluating this option.

Canadian Farmland: A Unique Opportunity

Gold maple leaf outline over green background

Canadian farmland presents a unique and compelling investment opportunity due to its strategic importance and the increasing global demand for agricultural products. With the expected growth in global food demand, the value of agricultural land is likely to appreciate significantly, making Canadian farmland a valuable asset for investors.

Importance of Canadian Prairies

The Canadian Prairies are crucial for global food security due to their prime agricultural land. This region’s fertile soil and favourable climate conditions make it an essential area for crop production, contributing significantly to the global food supply.

Due Diligence in Canadian Farmland Investments

Thorough due diligence is crucial for successful farmland investments, especially in Canada. Investors need to understand the opportunities and risks associated with their investments. Factors such as climate conditions, soil quality, and sustainability practices can significantly impact agricultural productivity and should be carefully evaluated.

Evaluating the management team and financial structure ensures effective operations and risk management.

Pros and Cons of Farmland Investing

Farmland investing comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these pros and cons helps in making informed investment decisions.

We will explore the key benefits and challenges of farmland investments.


One of the primary advantages of farmland investments is their low volatility compared to traditional financial markets. Farmland values tend to be less sensitive to market fluctuations, providing a stable investment option. Additionally, farmland serves as an excellent inflation hedge, boosting acreage values and crop income during periods of inflation.

Including farmland in your investment portfolio enhances diversification by reducing reliance on traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Leasing farmland back to farmers diversifies risks across different parcels of land, crops, and operators.

Investing in farmland REITs offers further diversification, liquidity, and lower minimum investment requirements.


Despite its many benefits, farmland investing also has its drawbacks. High initial investment costs can pose a significant barrier for many potential investors. Additionally, agricultural land is considered an illiquid asset, making it challenging to quickly access capital if needed.

The profitability of farmland can be heavily influenced by fluctuating commodity prices, introducing an element of volatility. Climate change poses another concern, as changing weather patterns can impact crop yields and overall productivity.

Future Trends in Farmland Investing

Emerging trends in farmland investing are shaping the future of this asset class. Technological innovations and sustainable farming practices are at the forefront, enhancing the attractiveness and profitability of farmland investments.

Technological Innovations

Drones over farm land

Technological advancements in farming, such as AI and automation, are revolutionizing the industry. As of late 2021, 87% of US agricultural businesses had integrated AI, optimizing crop management and reducing environmental impacts5. Farm automation, including drones and autonomous tractors, is reducing human labor while increasing efficiency.

Indoor vertical farming and technologies like micro drip irrigation are also contributing to sustainable farming practices. These innovations allow for higher crop yields in limited spaces and significantly reduce water usage, making farming more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming practices are becoming essential for farmland investment strategies due to their role in minimizing natural resource degradation. Emphasizing resource conservation and environmentally friendly practices, sustainable farming supports long-term soil health and resource conservation.

The demand for sustainably produced agricultural commodities is increasing, presenting stable returns for investors. By investing in sustainable farming practices, you not only contribute to environmental conservation but also secure long-term investment stability.

How to Get Started with Farmland Investing

Getting started with farmland investing involves several key steps. Conducting thorough research and setting clear investment goals are crucial for making informed decisions.

Exploring these steps in detail provides clarity.

Setting Investment Goals

Before diving into farmland investments, it’s essential to determine your investment goals. Consider factors such as accreditation, minimum investment requirements, and your financial objectives. Setting clear investment goals helps you align your financial resources with your desired outcomes, ensuring you make the most of your investment opportunities.

Evaluating Investment Options

Evaluating different investment options is crucial for a successful farmland investment strategy. Consider your risk tolerance, available capital, and expected returns when assessing various farmland investment vehicles. Factors such as potential returns, market volatility, and your capacity for managing risk should also be taken into account.

Understanding the differences between various farmland investment methods, such as direct ownership, REITs, and crowdfunding platforms, is essential for making informed choices. Assess the management team and financial structure before committing to any investment to ensure effective operations and risk management.


In summary, farmland investments offer a unique and stable opportunity for diversifying your investment portfolio. With their low volatility, inflation-hedging properties, and potential for long-term appreciation, farmland investments stand out as a valuable asset class. By exploring different investment methods and staying informed about future trends, you can make the most of this lucrative investment opportunity.

As you consider adding farmland to your investment portfolio, remember the importance of thorough research and due diligence. By setting clear investment goals and evaluating your options carefully, you can secure a stable and rewarding future with farmland investments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is farmland considered a stable investment?

Farmland is a stable investment because it typically offers low volatility and maintains consistent demand for food, leading to reliable returns even in varying economic conditions. This makes it a prudent choice for investors seeking resilience.

What are the different ways to invest in farmland?

Investing in farmland can be done through direct ownership, private funds, REITs, agricultural stocks, or crowdfunding platforms, with each option presenting varying levels of accessibility and risk. Choose the method that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Canadian eligible and accredited investors can access farmland funds on Midasboard.

Why is Canadian farmland a unique investment opportunity?

Canadian farmland presents a unique investment opportunity because of its prime agricultural conditions and the rising global demand for quality food. Investing in this sector can yield significant returns as food needs continue to grow.

What are the advantages of farmland investing?

Farmland investing offers advantages such as low volatility, protection against inflation, diversification of your investment portfolio, and the potential for consistent income through rental agreements or crop production. This makes it an appealing option for long-term financial stability.

What should I consider before investing in farmland?

Before investing in farmland, it’s essential to evaluate climate conditions, soil quality, the capability of your management team, and your financial objectives. Conducting thorough due diligence will greatly enhance your chances of success.


In this article

1.Key Takeaways
2.Why Farmland Investing?
3.Different Ways to Invest in Farmland
4.Canadian Farmland: A Unique Opportunity
5.Pros and Cons of Farmland Investing
6.Future Trends in Farmland Investing
7.How to Get Started with Farmland Investing
9.Frequently Asked Questions
1.Key Takeaways
2.Why Farmland Investing?
3.Different Ways to Invest in Farmland
4.Canadian Farmland: A Unique Opportunity
5.Pros and Cons of Farmland Investing
6.Future Trends in Farmland Investing
7.How to Get Started with Farmland Investing
9.Frequently Asked Questions
1.Key Takeaways
2.Why Farmland Investing?
3.Different Ways to Invest in Farmland
4.Canadian Farmland: A Unique Opportunity
5.Pros and Cons of Farmland Investing
6.Future Trends in Farmland Investing
7.How to Get Started with Farmland Investing
9.Frequently Asked Questions

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This article is for educational purposes only. The information contained herein is not, and should not be construed as, investment, tax or legal advice to any party. Particular investments and/or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to the individual’s investment objectives and professional advice should be obtained with respect to any circumstance.

Any statement that necessarily depends on future events may be a forward-looking statement. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although such statements are based on assumptions that are believed to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from expectations. Investors are cautioned not to rely unduly on any forward-looking statements.